Friday, July 23, 2004
San Francisco gallery owner Lori Haigh was harrassed and beaten by passersby even after she removed artist Guy Colwell's painting "Abuse," depictingabuse at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Folloiwing the attack that resulted in a blac k eye, broken nose, bruises and a concussion, the mother of two young kids felt she had no choice but shut down.
Friday, July 16, 2004
Photographer Ron Simon and puppeteer Marc Estrin have released a new book titled Rehearsing with Gods: Photographs and Essays on the Bread & Puppet Theater.
The Vermont-based troupe is renowned for creating cheap political art out of cardboard and cloth.
The book identifies eight archetypal themes utilized repeatedly by Bread & Puppet -- Death, Fiend, Beast, Human, World, Gift, Bread, and Hope.
Now that's advertisting!
A couple of funny billboards...
Those darn activists just keep getting more and more outrageous!
Read England's TV 2 report about a couple who had "sex to save the rainforest" on stage during the Quart Music Festival while contraversy-courting band Cumshots provided the soundtrack.