Friday, January 28, 2005
On display at the Museum of Sex in NYC through the end of May...
Vamps & Virgins: The Evolution of American Pinup Photography, 1860-1960 The exhibit " traces the development of the classic American pinup photo from early hardcore imagery in the mid 19th century to her apex in cheesecake images of the 1950s." T ickets are $14.50 + tax
This article published in Salon is hysterical, especially if you're a writer.
Read Is "doggie style" hyphenated? by Daniel Asa Rose.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Adbusters sponsors another rebellious idea. Antipreneuerism. Read about the Blackspot Anticorporation and their logo-lacking black spot sneaker, already on the market, and the ideas they are hoping to support, such as the Culture Shop.
Doesn't the black spot itself, the lack of a logo, become a logo as it is identified among culture jammers and actvists on the streets? Its very presence and visibility defines your identity as a corporate objector. I guess the difference is that the profits go to a nonprofit that support and further on of your pet causes?
This is why Barbara Boxer is my hero of the week!
And this essay by Sen. Edward Kennedy provides entirely rational reasons for his vote against Dr. Rice.
Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Sultry Lava Lady's photos from Inauguration Day in Washington D.C. have been posted to her online photo album at Yahoo.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
The Gods Are Pounding My Head (Aka Lumberjack Messiah) by Richard Foreman is playing Ontological Theater at St. Mark's Church at 131 East 10th St. in NYC. Call (212) 533-4650 for tickets.
Friday, January 14, 2005
But England, it appears is struggling with conservative religious extremists just like we are here in George W. Bush's post-mandate America. The controversial musical continues to run to packed audience in London's West End but protests freaked over the BBC's recent broadcast of Jerry Springer: the musical. In this article BBC vice-president Terry Sanderson said: "This organised attack is the latest of a series of attempts by religious interests to control what we can see or say in this country."
But yet another instance of censorship backfire, the broadcast received record ratings --1.7 million viewers is almost double the usual audience for BBC opera programming.
I love that this article in the Observer gives Jerry the final word. He apparently saw the show in Edinburgh and liked it.
"I only wish I'd thought of it first," he said. "I don't object to anything in it. The whole show is tongue-in-cheek, so what is the problem?"
Monday, January 10, 2005
An update on the "Bush Monkeys" contraversey reveals that exhibit organizer Animal Magazine has been posting the image on the Jumbotron on the Manhattan side entrance of the Holland Tunnel thanks to anonymous donors.
Meanwhile, artist Chris Savido has donated the $13,000 from the painting's E-Bay sale to charity.
"There's no reason to be stuck with a nationality that doesn't reflect the real you! Apply now for a country appropriate to your personal tastes and values! "
Read by Barbara Ehrenreich as originally published by The Progressive.