
Thursday, February 19, 2004

Another poem I probably should write but won't -- "An Ode to O-Rama"

Thanks to Utne Web Watch, I didn't miss the retrofuture boat.

Kyle Barron-Cohen writes,
"Whatever happened to the future? Flying cars, Smell-O-Vision, and resort trips to the moon? Retrofuture.com has collected many of those wonderful far-sighted misfires, complete with illustrations and biographies of the individuals responsible for so many false hopes. The future is now, but not quite as interesting as the Jetsons made it seem."

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An excerpt from Retrofuture.com's Sex in Space page...
Although NASA officials generally recoil at the mere mention of sex in space, a few ex-NASA employees, like former astronaut Michael Collins (left) have been willing to discuss the matter. "I don't think any astronauts have yet been privileged to sample the ultimate use of weightlessness," Collins writes in his book Liftoff, "but having no gravity to crush bodies together offers exquisite possibilities."

A "lucky couple" living in the future will experience these "new sensations," writes Collins, adding "a space Kamasutra" has yet to be written. 

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