Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Stumbled across this gem entirely by accident this morning.
I adore the last two lines!
God Bless America
Here they go again,
The Yanks in their armoured parade
Chanting their ballads of joy
As they gallop across the big world
Praising America's God.
The gutters are clogged with the dead
The ones who couldn't join in
The others refusing to sing
The ones who are losing their voice
The ones who've forgotten the tune.
The riders have whips which cut.
Your head rolls onto the sand
Your head is a pool in the dirt
Your head is a stain in the dust
Your eyes have gone out and your nose
Sniffs only the pong of the dead
And all the dead air is alive
With the smell of America's God.
Harold Pinter, January 2003
If you like that, but only if you like that, check out this vulgar piece of wordplay dating back to the gulf war.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I didn't think so.
But I bet you do wish you could drive the Weinermobile for a day.
You do, don't you?
Yeah, you and a whole lot of other people. Get in line.
The folks at Oscar Meyer aren't just going to give anyone the Weinermobile to do anything they want with it. Nope. They've got all kinds of rules. Like no smoking in the Weinermobile. No altering the Weinermobile. Only four people in the Weinermobile at a time. They want you to sell them some sappy charity case in 50 words or less.
"So, from fun with your family to helping the community – be creative and your wish with the Wienermobile™ could be granted!"
What kind of fun is that!
Driving around filling our nation's already obese children with hot dogs doesn't sound like goodwill to me. It sounds like Kraft is just getting desperate American attention-starved saps to do their marketing for them.
In the documentary, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock interviews experts -- Surgeon Generals, gym teachers, cooks, kids, lawmakers and legislators -- in 20 U.S. cities, including Houston, the "Fattest City" in America.
"During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald's for an entire month with three simple rules:
1) No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
2) No supersizing unless offered
3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once
Visit.www.supersizeme.com and be sure to listen to the documentary's ridiculous theme song while you're there.
An informative article on the movie by Noy Thrupkaew can be found on The American Prospect's on-line edition.
Sure... Dittie has arrived to put a little fun and fashion in feminine sanitary hygiene. Play the on-line bowling game -- yes the pins are little upside down? (hmm... which way is up?) tampons just waiting to be knocked over by the very bad (or maybe I just suck at on-line bowling) chick bowler of your choice -- and you may win a free sample of ditties. You can also purchase the trendy new plugs directly from the website.
Read the recent article in The New York Times (Thanks, Michael!).
And if you don't like it boys, that's just tough. Because the ladies have a secret weapon and they're not afraid to use it.
The above e-card may soon be coming to an inbox near you.
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
As seen in an article in Wired...
NeuroPop claims integrating neurosensory algorithms into music to create a certain mood and evoke more intense responses from listeners.
Sound can change your mind... The Overload will change your soul...
Visit the site to hear "The Ear-Brain Toy of the day!"
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Beware of the Big Boy Army
Former Biel's display window on Penn Avenue !!!
Monday, May 03, 2004
Also seen on PBS...
Sculptor Pat Keck on WGBH Boston's Art Close Up via WVIA TV 44
"One of the things that attracted me to this kind of subject matter, is that people don't tend to view them as objects, they tend to view them as little beings, and you are likely to talk to them. I can't imagine anybody addressing Michelangelo's "David," with "excuse me," if you bumped into it.
But once you joint them and they sit down the way you would, or they end up landing in a heap looking very human, then yeah, definitely, when they get to a certain stage, they seem to develop personalities. Maybe personalities that I've imposed, but, yeah, you do start talking to them. Not in a delusional way, but just because there's nobody else to talk to." -- Pat Keck
Documentation for a recent exhibit reads:
Since the late ’70s, Keck has made painted wood figurative sculptures, many of them mechanical and interactive... Keck’s idiosyncratic and stylized characters exist on the edge of humanity and consciousness: mechanical and utilitarian figures like scarecrows, dummies, toys, puppets, robots, and automatons; semi-sentient figures like somnambulists, ghosts, and monsters; and a host of androgynous “men” engaged in quasi-ritualistic, mysterious activities. Influenced by folk and vernacular arts, especially those associated with carnivals and the circus, as well as visual elements from vaudeville, Glam Rock, Punk, and New Wave, her work leavens fear with humor. It grapples with issues of control versus free will, the relationship of the conscious to the subconscious mind, and the mysteries of self-awareness, sleep, and ultimately, death.
An article in the Providence Phoenix provides more information about Keck.
One of her major inspirations has been cult musician Klaus Nomi, who makes interesting research in and of himself.
As seen on PBS's egg the arts show
Arno Rafael Minkkinen photographs himself stark naked in the mountains, in the snow, blending with the trees, and submerged in water. His photographs are strikingly beautiful and seemingly impossible. They reflect a process that pushes his body to its physical limits; he appears to walk on water or float in mid-air. EGG visits Minkinnen in northern Massachusetts and sees this master photographer work.
Looks like mostly sucky songs, but maybe a few OK tunes. Anyway, for a good cause. Something cool to put n the time capsule.
Rock Against Bush Vol. I
Various Artists (2004)
17 unreleased songs on a 26 song CD with a bonus DVD! (* denotes a previously unreleased song)
01 Nothing To Do When You're Locked Away In A Vacancy* None More Black
02 Moron* Sum 41
03 Warbrain* Alkaline Trio
04 Need More Time Epoxies
05 The School Of Assassins* Anti-Flag
06 Sink, Florida, Sink (Electric)* Against Me!
07 Baghdad The Offspring
08 Lion And The Lamb* The Get Up Kids
09 Give It All* Rise Against
10 No W* Ministry
11 Sad State Of Affairs* Descendents
12 Revolution* Authority Zero
13 Paranoia! Cha-Cha-Cha* The Soviettes
14 That's Progress Jello Biafra with D.O.A.
15 Overcome (The Recapitulation) RX Bandits
16 No Voice Of Mine* Strung Out
17 To The World Strike Anywhere
18 Heaven Is Falling* The Ataris
19 God Save The USA Pennywise
20 Normal Days Denali
21 The Expatriate Act* The World/Inferno Friendship Soc.
22 No News Is Good News* New Found Glory
23 Basket Of Snakes* The Frisk
24 Jaw, Knee, Music* NOFX
25 It's The Law Social Distortion
26 The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out Less Than Jake f/ Billy Bragg
Adrien Begrand 's Apr 17 review of the Pixies concert in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan's Prairieland Park
"Say to Me, Where Have You Been?": The Pixies Roar Back After 12 Years
The band is rumored to be playing at the Tweeter Center in Philadelphia on December 4, but the show hasn't been officially posted and the tickets aren't on sale at via Ticketmaster yet.