Friday, October 29, 2004

Something tells me Santa's not going to come through on this one.
But that's OK. I'll settle for Betty.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
A few of my favorites from the bizarre/weird pick up-lines list.
Your fat ripples speak to me. They say, "Me likey!"
My cat scratched me good this morning.
They say apples don't fall far from the tree, so your mom must be hot too.
Wonderful day for an exorcism, don't you think?
What color's your Prozac?
I just saved a ton of money on my car insurance.
LaserMonks. Real Savings Real Monks. Real People.
It's Random Acts of Poetry Week in Candada
"From Newfoundland to British Columbia, published poets in 17 cities will be popping into parks, hair salons, cafés, supermarkets, libraries and wherever else tickles their fancy to delight randomly chosen strangers with bursts of poetry. "
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Comparing televisions to second hand smoke, Cornfield Electronics has introduced TV-B-Gone universal remote control .
Available now for $14.95 plus $4.95 s&h.
Read Steven Bodzin's article in Wired, "Inventor Rejoices as TVs Go Dark."
The VOTE girl strikes again
The Voting Booth Project, an exhibit at the Parsons School of Design in midtown Manhattan has got some smasing art on display.

For the Parsons School of Design show, Michael Bierut and James Biber steamrollered a voting machine and topped it with a toy elephant. (Michael Moran -- Parsons School Of Design)
Thursday, October 14, 2004
The Village Voice's Michael Feingold says the "outrgageousness of George and Martha supplies a gratification not to be had in any other form."
See What George Bush truly deserves: Karen Finley's vision of his sex life with Martha Stewart
"Finley Toons Up" by Michael Feingold
George and Martha by by Karen Finley may or may not still be running at Collective Unconscious, 279 Church Street in NYC. (212)352-3101.
An excerpt is available via the Voice.
Coming soon -- NO KIDDING -- Jo Jo Famous... From Tears to Laughter: The Life Story of Jo Jo the Clown (A Coal Miner's Daughter).
"I am surprised that people recognize me without my makeup. They will say, 'Aren't you Jo Jo the Clown?' When I tell them that I am, they say things like: 'I knew it was you by your smile! We love you!' This makes me feel even more love and gratefulness for my husband Dennis. Before the only time I was happy, and the only time I thought I time I thought I was worth something is when I was dressed like a clown."
Did you know the Jo Jo (the Christian Clown) read tarot on the side?
Hmmm.... pretty sneaky sis.
Divas & Deviants... A Red Light District Halloween Party
Sunday October 31st at 9pm
2 floors & 4 rooms of Deviance w/ Burlesque, Drag, Go-Go, DJs, Live Music, Truth or Dare, Diva Dungeon, Tiki Room & Karaoke Costume Contest
Hosted by: Scotty the Blue Bunny
The World Famous Pontani Sisters
The Dazzle Dancers
Jo Boobs
Lady Grey Tease (via London)
Her Royal Highness Princess Diandra
Anita Greencard
Lai Lah Michelle
Ruby Booby
Chris March
Nasty Canasta
Scooter Pie
Gorilla Bob
DJ Ursula 1000
DJ Bill Coleman
Live Music by Lex Grey & the Urban Pioneers
Special Guest Appearance by the Heatherette Crew
Karaoke Costume Contest with $500 in cash prize plus Toys in Babeland, Tony & Tinas Goodies & Open Bar Specials throughout the Night!
Tickets $7 in advance, $10 at the door with invite, email or ad, or $15 at the door without.
Advanced Tickets go on sale Monday October 18th, go to or
Evidence #12: Why Polls Suck Pollsters Call 'Security Moms' a Myth
"Security moms" have caught the imagination of political pundits and reporters in this year's presidential campaign, but do they really exist? Pollsters say it's a myth and that women are leaning towards Kerry.
Evidence #422: The TiVo Conspiracy
"First, God bless TiVo. There is no more satisfying way to watch a presidential debate than to hit "pause" after some Bush howler, or Kerry groaner, and swear loudly at the frozen face (which in Bush's cases, I noticed, was usually stuck in a shit-eating grin.) Or was that just the beta-blockers he was on?"
-- Alastair Paulin
Welcome Road Rage
"If what happened in the election of 2000 happens again in 2004, this country will be papered in signs that just say "NO." We will have painted the country in a sea of "NO" and will have, at least, spoken out."
Sprawl Kills
"In sprawlspace, products are branded, places are blanded, and minds are stranded."
-- Joel S. Hirschhorn
Friday, October 08, 2004
Shopping List
I love these journals at exlibris anonymous.
These very cool matchboxes by Jan Lew are at Aunt Beep.
Sweetie Why Worry? Matchbox
"delicate, flirty papers combined with fancy images and witty commentary turn your standard 250 count into a fashionable household accessory.. . .and what a GREAT house-warming gift!!
High quality, 250 count.
Are Haikus making a comeback?
Shiny Objects Studio Contemporary Jewelry
Sex Ed Haiku Contest
Share your thoughts about the importance of keeping the government out of the bedroom by entering NARAL Pro-Choice America Foundation’s haiku contest. Write your own haiku for a chance to win... Fame! Fortune! Free Stuff!
Submit your haiku by October 13.
Thursday, October 07, 2004
For example, of impresario indicates that shadow over avoid contact with food stamp around.
The Other Michael has been collecting such verse for a while.
Are you a spiritual Person?"
"Voting is an act of consciousness, and as such I think the votes of spiritual people are actually more powerful than the votes of unconscious people. Your hand on the voting lever is affecting the world as surely as the lifting of Buddha's hand in a mudra of peace or the teaching of Jesus that announced love as a force in the cosmos."
--Deepak Chopra at Dragonfly Media.
Clamor asked a sampling of independent media-makers to talk about significant aspects of their work during the Bush Regime: what they’ve reported on, what’s been left out, what mark their work has made.
Read Thorns in the Paw".
Thanks to Utne Web Watch for the referral.
Monday, October 04, 2004
If you can't find it in stores, order your DVD copy of "George W Bush: Faith in the White House" direct from Grizzly Adams Productions for $14.95.
The company decribes the documentary on its website as follows.
"Not since the days of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln has a president put so much stock in his Christian faith and prayer life for making decisions and leading the United States in its hour of crisis. According to BBC correspondent Justin Webb: "Nobody spends more time on his knees than George W. Bush. The Bush administration hums to the sound of prayer. Prayer meetings take place day and night. It's not uncommon to see White House functionaries hurrying down corridors carrying Bibles."This program will examine the extraordinary faith and prayer life of President George W. Bush, and how it impacts his personal life and his decisions as the leader of the free world. See how his faith has been unshakeable in dealing with the 9/11 terrorist attack, fighting al-Qaeda, ridding Iraq of the Saddam Hussein regime, rooting out terrorists in Afghanistan, and how his religious beliefs bring personal peace and clarity in a time of terrorism and chaos across the world."
Yea! They're back!
When George Dubya Bush flew to Baghdad last November, it wasn't just another cheap photo-op - it was an emblem of his presidency.
Babes Against Bush... Because hot chicks hate him too.
Last time I tried to access this website it was down for weeks.
Get your REGIME CHANGE COUNTDOWN calendar before they run out or the website disappears again.
Thirteen beautiful women versus one hideous president
Sure it expires in January but you'll have one of the most memorable mementos to come out of the last four years!