Friday, July 15, 2005
Roger Ebert's review was a waste of print space in newspapers around the country. Big stars like Depp do have input in their wardrobe, surely, but you can't blame the actor for the costume and makeup design.
Why the hat and cane? Gee, I don't know Gene Wilder had one too. Maybe it's in the book or something. Loser.
Ed Park's review in The Village Voice was slightly more informative but it still had to get that MJ reference in there right off the top. Come on people.
Thankfully, A.O. Scott more than made up for his peers with the thoughful piece he penned for The New York Times . His MJ comment --in the 11th paragraph (last 1/4 of the article) referred to the "debate about real life role models for Wonka" and acknowledged the characteristics that might lead one to think of Jackson. But he dug deeper (sigh!) and wrote the following:
"To me, the lilting, curiously accented voice sounded more like an unholy mash-up of Mr. Rogers and Truman Capote, but really, who knows? The best thing about this Wonka, who tip-toes on the narrow boundery between whimsy and creepiness, is that he defies assimilation or explanation."