Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Vacuum Dirt
Thursday, December 08, 2005
I know... I'm a little bit confused about it too. Do I REALLY want to read Karrine Steffans hip hop slut tell all Confessions of a Video Vixen?
I know I'm probably not going to find it at the library so if I don't buy it or someone doesn't buy it for me ... I won't be reading it.
I like what Natalie Moore has to say about it on Alternet. But that's only how I heard about the book. It's not why I want to read it.
So.. then, the question still remains. Why? Maybe because her life seems on one hand to be so far removed from mine there is still this tragic common ground we are both walking upon.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
I read about this last week in an Associated Press story but wasn't sure what to say. Now I'm thinking, how bout yuck?
Student targeted British mobile phone company Dot mobile has announced it plans to translate the texts of classic literature into text messages -- funky abrgd code and all.
Shakespeare's complete works is supposed to be out by April 2006.
The AP story gave these examples.
from John Milton's "Paradise Lost":
"devl kikd outa hevn coz jelus of jesus&strts war." (The devil is kicked out of heaven because he is jealous of Jesus and starts a war.)
from Jane Eyre:
"MadwyfSetsFyr2Haus." (Mad wife sets fire to house.)
Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice":
describes Mr. Darcy as "fit&loadd" (handsome and wealthy).
No, I haven't checked to see if its some horrible urban myth cause the AP story was on CNN and that seems legit.
I want a Fabulous Floating Inflatable Villa now daddy!
Guardian Unlimited claims the article that's undoubtedly my favorite read of the week.
Titled "Stiff competition for Bad Sex award ," Michelle Pauli's story published on Nov. 28 reviews the longlist for this year's Literary Review Bad Sex in Fiction award, a.k.a. Britain's "most dreaded literary prize."
She writes.
"Among the 11 contenders for the prize this year are some of the biggest names in literature, including Salman Rushdie, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Paul Theroux. Of the three, Theroux's offering, from Blinding Light, is arguably the most deserving of the prize, with its description of a character's orgasm as
...not juice at all but a demon eel thrashing in his loins and swimming swiftly up his cock, one whole creature of live slime fighting the stiffness as it rose and bulged at the tip and darted into her mouth."
(an Utne Web Watch referral)
Jesus in space: Negativland's Mark Hosler talks to a man who makes robots and murals for Christian theme parks.

Materials for Pinecone Owl: Pinecone, jiggle eyes, feathers, pipe cleaner, piece of yellow construction paper or felt, white glue, scissors, gloves
Use gloves to hold the pokey pinecone. Glue on jiggle eyes and feather tufts that look like ears. Cut a small triangle with scissors from yellow construction paper or felt and glue it in place for a beak. Take a pipe cleaner and bend it to form two feet. Glue the feet in place.