Thursday, February 26, 2004
Rest In Peace, Loretta...
Photo of V-Day Scranton's ConVergence, August 2002 at the Cafe del Sol by Lee Ann (aka the blackcloud). Loretta is on the far left.
Loretta Zampetti, 45, died in a Pittston apartment fire when a drunk and revengful ex-tenent threw a pile of burning newspapers through a window on Friday.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Chatted with my good college friend Nan -- who I miss hanging with so fucking much -- last week! Woo-Hoo! She's awesome and I highly recommend her music to you. Don't just take my word for it -- The Village Voice said some awfully nice things about Nan and her pals last year.
Here's what her bio at Olive Juice Music has to say about her new band Pantsuit.
"When not pounding out the beats as one half of the indie rock duo Schwervon!, Nan can be found kicking out the jams with Pantsuit, her band with Christine "Sharky" Murray (Bionic Finger) and Tina Harris (Danger! Giant Ranger). Think early Liz Phair meets Lou Reed with harmonies meets Cyndi Lauper in Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Until Pantsuit records some songs, check out Nan's solo cd entitled Leg Out(which Sharky plays bass on), and which was engineered by Major Matt Mason and is available through Olive Juice Music (2002)."

Monday, February 23, 2004
The Ti Jean (“little John”)
Several bottles of port
Countless tanks of gasoline
Lapsed Buddhism
Sprinkle with irony
According to Donald Goodwin, former chair of the psychiatry department at the University of Kansas Medical Center and author of Alcohol and the Writer, 71 percent of writers drink to excess—a rate higher than any other profession surveyed.
Thursday, February 19, 2004
Another poem I probably should write but won't -- "An Ode to O-Rama"

Thanks to Utne Web Watch, I didn't miss the retrofuture boat.

"Whatever happened to the future? Flying cars, Smell-O-Vision, and resort trips to the moon? has collected many of those wonderful far-sighted misfires, complete with illustrations and biographies of the individuals responsible for so many false hopes. The future is now, but not quite as interesting as the Jetsons made it seem."

Get the original astrosnack.
An excerpt from's Sex in Space page...
Although NASA officials generally recoil at the mere mention of sex in space, a few ex-NASA employees, like former astronaut Michael Collins (left) have been willing to discuss the matter. "I don't think any astronauts have yet been privileged to sample the ultimate use of weightlessness," Collins writes in his book Liftoff, "but having no gravity to crush bodies together offers exquisite possibilities."
A "lucky couple" living in the future will experience these "new sensations," writes Collins, adding "a space Kamasutra" has yet to be written.

On Tuesday, I fell in love with Samuel Beckett's face. I'd seen images of him before, years ago. But now I am entranced. I'm apparently not the only one. The art is everywhere.

Monday, February 16, 2004
Call me a geek, but I'm fascinated by neurology. In high school I had to make the awfully difficult decision of whether to become a scientest or a theatrical artist. These two options may seem unrelated, but for me they were two sides of the human behavior coin. What makes people tick? Why do they act they way they do? I chose to chase the philosophy of drama and the thrill of collaborative expression, but I still tremble with excitement when a good neurological story falls in my lap.
I get a kick out of you
Feb. 12, 2004
From The Economist print edition
Scientists are finding that, after all, love really is down to a chemical addiction between people
"Parts of the brain that are love-bitten include the one responsible for gut feelings, and the ones which generate the euphoria induced by drugs such as cocaine. So the brains of people deeply in love do not look like those of people experiencing strong emotions, but instead like those of people snorting coke. Love, in other words, uses the neural mechanisms that are activated during the process of addiction. “We are literally addicted to love,” Dr (Larry) Young observes."
read the article.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
The Committee on College Life (CCL) at Harvard University voted yesterday to approve H Bomb -- a student-run magazine that will feature nude pictures of Harvard undergraduates and articles about sexual issues -- as an official Harvard publication.
Students will not be able to take nude pictures inside of Harvard buildings and the magazine will not necessarily be funded by the College.
Katharina C. Baldegg ’06, one of the two female students who proposed the magazine described H Bomb as, "a sex magazine that will hopefully be run by students of all sexual orientations and backgrounds.” Professor of Psychology Marc D. Hauser, who teaches Science B-29, “Evolution of Human Nature,” nicknamed “Sex” by students, will serve as the Faculty adviser for H Bomb.
Read Ebonie D. Hazle's article in The Harvard Crimson.
bloody haiku
pouting on the couch
caught up in a miasma
of menstrual funk
-- agp, 10 february 2004
The Un-Storyteller
Los Angeles' Joe Biel
by Pat Boas
Walter Benjamin once characterized storytellers as those who offer us comfort and counsel by spinning daily experience into captivating tales. While Joe Biel’s spare, graceful drawings of solitary figures in impossible situations might not provide much useful advice for negotiating this world, they look as though they may come in handy should we stumble into some Beckett-like zone... more

Joe Biel, Candle/Brickhead,2003, pastel and graphite on paper on panel, 10 by 10 inches
Art Papers is the winner of 2003 The Utne Independent Press Awards for Arts/Literary Coverage.
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Thank you for using Mail System
Message sent to the following recipients:
President Bush
Chief Administrator in Iraq Bremer
February 10, 2004
[recipient address was inserted here]
Dear [recipient name was inserted here],
Iraqi women are entitled to have a say over their status in marriage. They need to have a say regarding the custody of children and have a right to divorce if feel it necessary.
Do not let the US-backed Iraqi Governing Council place family law under Islamic jurisdiction.
Why did we go to war if not to bring positive change to the lives of the oppressed. We destroyed so much, please let us now fulfill our word and assist these people to know the justice of democracy.
Please pressure the Iraqi Governing Council to overturn Resolution 137.
Kitty Burbank
Send a message to the Bush Administration that the recent move to cancel current family laws and to place family law under the jurisdiction of Islamic (sharia) law is unacceptable. The US-backed Iraqi Governing Council has outraged Iraqi women and women’s rights activists by approving Resolution 137 that will undermine the right to equality and freedom for all of Iraq’s women.
Iraqi women’s rights activists protested putting these areas under Islamic law because they would destroy the status of Iraqi women’s rights regarding marriage, child custody, divorce and inheritance. According to Zakia Ismael Hakki, a prominent Iraqi female judge, "this new law will send Iraqi families back to the Middle Ages. It will allow men to have four or five or six wives. It will take away children from their mothers. It will allow anyone who calls himself a cleric to open an Islamic court in his house and decide who can marry and divorce and have rights.” --
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Proud to be an indiginous American
"All is good"